Beat Radio
dance music
since 1996
change is good

Minneapolis skyline

March 2004: This web site now exists essentially as an historical record of the Beat Radio story, including the legal adventures with the FCC/federal government, Beat Radio's bringing dance music radio to Minneapolis and nationwide, the beatopia weekly at First Avenue, and related media & media access issues.

Some areas of this site, however, continue to be maintained and updated: Events, Music Stores and the Links pages are reviewed regularly and updated as needed. All links on this site are checked weekly and bad links are fixed or deleted. One of these days, the entire thing will get an overhaul so it doesn't look like the 1998 design that it is. But don't hold your breath waiting for it.

Following the various incarnations of Beat Radio, Beat Radio's founder, Alan Freed, expanded his efforts to bring dance music to the masses. He was recruited for the launch of in Los Angeles as Operations Director and on-air talent (1999-2001), he consulted for its dance channel prior to the company's acquisition by Yahoo! (2002-2004) and was a manager of XM Satellite Radio's dance music channels during XM's phenomenal 5x growth from 2004 to 2007 before joining WorldSpace Satellite Radio as Music Director and on-air talent (2007-2008). He now operates a consultancy focusing on dance music and mass media.

Thanks for stopping by and for your support of Beat Radio through the years. There are still live, breathing human beings behind this site. While Beat Radio isn't active now, its spirit and political action continues; who very well may return one day...

copyright © 1996-2025 Beat Radio